
Has Increasingly Assumed The Role Of "Champion" Since All Should Have Strong Concept Commitment.

Diversity of markets, customers, ideas, and talent is driving the need for inclusion as a new leadership capability. Here are six attributes of leaders who brandish the ability to not only encompass individual differences, but to potentially leverage them for competitive advantage.

Introduction: A new leadership capability

What volition it have to be a great leader in the future? In five years, x years, even fifteen years?

Say those numbers slightly differently—2020, 2025, or 2030—and your imagination takes you somewhere else entirely. To the realm of science fiction in which books and films paint vivid pictures of a time to come that looks vastly different from that which nosotros know today. At that place is the devastated world and its dystopian societies, the artificial world with synthetic humans, and myriads of other worlds scattered throughout foreign galaxies.

In these books and films, in that location's e'er a quest, and there'southward ever a hero. Smart and stiff, they behave the weight of the world on their shoulders. They accept a sidekick, if lucky, but rarely are the leader and the sidekick equals, and they almost never operate equally a team. The decisions these leaders make—the deportment they take—culminate in the restoration of humanity.

What's curious is that this iconic image of the heroic leader remains constant despite the vastly inverse environment. Information technology seems nosotros can easily imagine different future contexts, but when it comes to thinking near leadership differently, we are on a repeating loop. It makes for bang-up entertainment, but information technology is not the stuff of reality. Yes, the context will change—it is changing already—and this volition demand adaptation by those playing a leading office.

So what is this unlike context? In a volatile and circuitous earth, predicting the hereafter with precision is a risky business. Nosotros can be sure, nonetheless, about four global mega-trends that are reshaping the environs and influencing business organisation priorities:1

First, diversity of markets: Demand is shifting to emerging markets. With their growing eye course, these new markets represent the single biggest growth opportunity in the portfolio of many companies effectually the globe.

2d, diversity of customers: Customer demographics and attitudes are changing. Empowered through technology and with greater choice, an increasingly diverse customer base expects amend personalization of products and services.

Third, diversity of ideas: Digital technology, hyper-connectivity, and deregulation are disrupting business value chains and the nature of consumption and contest. Few would debate against the need for rapid innovation.

Fourth, diversity of talent: Shifts in age profiles, education, and migration flows, forth with expectations of equality of opportunity and work/life rest, are all impacting employee populations.

Multifariousness of markets, customers, ideas, and talent: These simultaneous shifts are the new context. For leaders who have perfected their craft in a more homogenous environment, rapid aligning is in social club. Of course, the core aspects of leadership, such as setting direction and influencing others, are timeless, but we encounter a new capability that is vital to the style leadership is executed. Nosotros telephone call this inclusive leadership, and our enquiry has identified six traits that characterize an inclusive mind-set up and inclusive behavior.

This written report is intended to help leaders recall about how traditional notions of leadership must change.two We are not suggesting a wholesale replacement of previous leadership theory. Elements of inclusive leadership are echoed in transformational, servant, and accurate leadership, for example, and these concepts are carried forward. However, we have amplified and built on these known attributes to ascertain a powerful new adequacy uniquely adjusted to a diverse environment. Understanding and existence adept at inclusive leadership volition help leaders thrive in their increasingly various environment.

This report is structured in three parts. Beginning, nosotros briefly draw the four shifts elevating the importance of inclusive leadership—the "Why care?" attribute of the discussion. In the second part, we have identified the 6 signature traits of an inclusive leader (figure 1). In doing and then, we have mined our experiences with more than ane,000 global leaders, deep-diving into the views of xv leaders and discipline matter experts, and surveying over 1,500 employees on their perceptions of inclusion. We accept too built on existing thought leadership and practical research and drawn on work with our inclusive leadership assessment tool—on which our six-part framework is based—which has proved both reliable and valid in pilot testing.iii Sensing that inclusive leadership is a new capability, nosotros have been examining this space since 2022, rather than relying solely on pre-existing leadership assessments and databases, with their historic biases. We conclude with some suggested strategies to assistance organizations cultivate inclusive capabilities across their leadership population.


A diverse new world: Markets, customers, ideas, and talent

Four global mega-trends are creating a business organisation context that is far less homogenous and much more diverse than has historically been the example. These interrelated shifts are influencing business organisation priorities, and reshaping the capabilities required of leaders to succeed in the future.

Diverseness of markets

The growth in emerging market economies may have slowed—and big challenges abound—merely the long-term potential remains significant.4

By 2025, the earth'south middle-course population is expected to attain 3.2 billion, upwardly from 1.8 billion in 2009, with the bulk of this growth coming from Asia, Africa, and Latin America.5 Every bit income levels rise, and so does consumer demand. This growing population at present represents the single biggest growth opportunity in the portfolio of many companies around the globe.6

Reaching these consumers profitably, however, is annihilation but straightforward.7 Markets are characterized past significant cultural, political, and economical differences. Tension exists betwixt local accommodation and international scale. Home-grown players can provide stiff competition and strong local talent is scarce. Indeed, in a 2022 survey of 362 executives, just 10 percentage believed that they take the total suite of capabilities needed to win offshore.8

Then what does this hateful for those with global ambitions? While at that place is no unmarried formula for success, research shows that having people with a more global mindset and capability is critical.nine John Lewis, Jr., global chief diversity officeholder of The Coca-Cola Company, agrees: "Right now, our fastest-growing markets around the earth are sub-Saharan Africa, India, and Red china. How we win in these markets is as much a matter of how we embed ourselves in these cultures [as any other factor]. The question I put to our business leaders is: Fifty-fifty if we get all the tactics and logistics right, can we win if we don't get the people function right?"10

Diversity of customers

Customers take always been able to vote with their anxiety. Today, this power is even greater. Empowered through their digital devices and with more than choice, customers expect greater personalization and a voice in shaping the products and services they consume.11 Facing millions of individual expectations and experiences across an increasingly diverse customer base, the challenge for companies is to deliver individualized insights and a personal impact with the efficiencies of scale.

To remain competitive in this environment, organizations have realized, customer centricity is paramount. Client promises are beingness written into vision statements, operating models are beingness redesigned to ensure that customers are at the heart of the business, and the role of the "chief customer officer" has been created and elevated to the executive team.

Simply more just irresolute systems and structures, organizations are increasingly focusing on cultivating more than customer-axial mindsets and capabilities. The new buzzwords of "empathy" and "connexion"—concepts that underpin popular methods such as design thinking—are taking concur as organizations strive to meliorate understand customers' worlds and future needs. And while evolution programs of the past may have focused on traditional customer-facing roles, a leader-led approach is increasingly being adopted.

Telstra has embarked on a journeying to orient the entire organization around the client, including the way leaders are developed. "Leaders are central to the continued strategy," says Rob Dark-brown, manager of client advocacy.12 "They are the linchpin that sets the step and culture of our system. If leaders don't understand how we need to think differently, if they don't go that nosotros demand to connect with customers' needs to empathize what they want and how best to simplify things for them, and then it's hard, if non impossible, for the teams to get it."

Diversity of ideas

Organizations must "innovate or dice," extols Bill Gates.13 A bold statement, but we need not look far to see its validity. Seemingly overnight, digital disruption has reshaped whole industries and iconic brands and brought along new players.

For most leaders, it's an imperative that's well understood. In a 2022 survey of 1,500 executives, 3-quarters said that innovation was among their company's top three priorities.14 Despite this, 83 percent perceived their companies' innovation capabilities to be average (lxx percent) or weak (13 percent).15

So what sets apart breakthrough innovators from the rest? The survey constitute that, compared with others, "breakthrough" innovators "cast a wide net for ideas."16 In the race for new ideas, multifariousness of thinking is gaining prominence equally a strategy to protect against groupthink and generate breakthrough insights. Withal, while many agree intellectually that collective intelligence enhances grouping performance, few empathise how to consistently accomplish information technology with any degree of specificity.17

In this context, a leader'southward agreement of how variety of thinking works will be critical to success. Every bit François Hudon, an executive at Bank of Montreal, states: "For leaders, it's making sure you have little risk of being blindsided by something that a various team would accept known virtually and would have identified as an opportunity or a risk. I think it brings far greater confidence to the decision making when yous know you are existence supported by people who have far more diverse points of view."

Variety of talent

Diverseness of talent is at risk of beingness overshadowed past other shifts. This is because demographic change has a slow-burn effect on workplace profiles. And, of course, multifariousness of talent is not a new topic. Anti-bigotry laws and the "war for talent" have seen organizations pay attention to historically marginalized groups for some time. Leaders underplay this shift at their peril.

 Changes in population historic period profiles, education, and migration flows, forth with expectations of equality of opportunity and work/life residual, are all deeply impacting employee populations. More than ever, future success will depend on a leader's ability to optimize a diverse talent pool.

By manner of example, the world's population is aging rapidly. In 2050, those aged 65 and over are predicted to reach 22 percent of the global population, up from x percent today,xviii with implications for workforce participation. Against that backdrop, the expansion of college education is creating a group of highly mobile, educated workers.19 By 2030, China volition take more graduates than the entire US workforce, and Bharat volition produce four times as many graduates equally the United states of america by 2022.20 The Millennials, besides, are coming of age. This generation will comprise 50 percent of the global workforce past 2022.21 With high expectations and different attitudes toward work, they volition be integral in shaping organizational cultures into the futurity.

To appointment, still, data suggest that many companies take struggled to include diverse employees. For case, while their number in the workforce is increasing, women agree only 12 percent of corporate lath seats worldwide.22In the futurity, demographic shifts volition put greater force per unit area on leaders to be inclusive of diversity. According to one leader interviewed, "Fundamentally, inclusion is a principle that anybody who is adept plenty to exist employed within the team is capable of becoming a leader and developing to the best of their potential. And that is anybody."

The vi signature traits of an inclusive leader

If inclusive leadership reflects a new way of leading teams, and then nosotros demand to wait beyond traditional leadership cess tools and frameworks. Since 2022, nosotros have researched this new leadership capability, with our initial exploration leading usa to be much more certain about "inclusion" itself—what information technology means, how it is experienced past others, and how to measure out it. More specifically, our research revealed that when people feel that they are treated fairly, that their uniqueness is appreciated and they have a sense of belonging, and that they take a vox in decision making, then they will feel included.23 (Meet the appendix for a full description of our research methodology.)

Putting this into the context of leaders, inclusive leadership is well-nigh:

  1. Treating people and groups fairly—that is, based on their unique characteristics, rather than on stereotypes
  2. Personalizing individuals—that is, understanding and valuing the uniqueness of diverse others while as well accepting them as members of the group
  3. Leveraging the thinking of various groups for smarter ideation and decision making that reduces the risk of being blindsided


To attain these aims, highly inclusive leaders demonstrate six signature traits—in terms of what they call up about and what they practice—that are reinforcing and interrelated. Collectively, these six traits represent a powerful capability highly adapted to diverseness. Embodiment of these traits enables leaders to operate more effectively within diverse markets, better connect with various customers, access a more diverse spectrum of ideas, and enable diverse individuals in the workforce to reach their total potential.

These six traits and fifteen elements are not a meaningless or aspirational laundry list. As our interviews and formal 180-degree assessment of leaders and peers/followers revealed, they are very tangible and developable.


Trait 1: Commitment

Highly inclusive leaders are committed to diversity and inclusion considering these objectives align with their personal values and because they believe in the business example.

Being inclusive of diversity is a big challenge. It takes time and energy, two of a leader's near precious commodities. So what motivates a leader to expend these resources in the pursuit of variety?

Clearly, an understanding of the commercial imperative is critical, as discussed in the previous section. "It is difficult to argue with the variety argument in a business context," says Jennifer Reid, head of retail, business, and treasury payments operations at Bank of Montreal. "When you look at the changes in the business environment, it would be very difficult for any concern leader to say they don't demand to pay attention."

Intriguingly, nonetheless, many of the leaders interviewed in our inquiry cited the extrinsic reward of enhanced functioning as a secondary motivator. Their chief motivation for pursuing diversity and inclusion was alignment with their own personal values and a deep-seated sense of fairness. "To me, it's all nearly fairness and equality of opportunity," says Belinda Hutchinson, chancellor of the University of Sydney. "It's virtually giving people the opportunity to achieve what they should be able to achieve. Information technology doesn't but relate to gender. Information technology relates to race, religion, sexual preference—whatever else it may exist."

This insight is consistent with research by the Usa-based call up tank Catalyst, which identified "a potent sense of fair play" as the most significant predictor that men would champion gender initiatives in the workplace.24 Interestingly, Catalyst also observed that individuals' "commitment to fairness ethics was rooted in very personal experiences."25 This finding has particular resonance for one leader nosotros interviewed: "At school . . . it was very much an in-grouping and out-group dynamic that I experienced. And I accept always had sensitivity to any form of exclusion that comes from a person."

This combination of intellect (that is, belief in the business case) and emotion (that is, a sense of fair play and caring for people as individuals, non "resources") is consistent with the "caput and heart" strategy emphasized past modify good John Kotter. According to Kotter, while engaging the minds of individuals through rational arguments is important, "people change what they practise less because they are given analysis that shifts their thinking than because they are shown a truth that influences their feelings."26 The Coca-Cola Company's Lewis, Jr., agrees: "The business concern example is compelling. But for this to work, you need to connect to the minds and the hearts."

Goad and inclusive leadership

Founded in 1962, Catalyst is a leading nonprofit system that seeks to expand opportunities for women and business. A 2022 report by Catalyst identified four leadership behaviors that predicted feelings of uniqueness and belongingness—key elements of inclusion—across employees in Commonwealth of australia, China, Germany, Mexico, and the United States. These were:

  • Empowerment: Enabling direct reports to develop and excel
  • Humility: Admitting mistakes; learning from criticism and dissimilar points of view; acknowledging and seeking contributions of others to overcome one'south limitations
  • Courage: Putting personal interests bated to achieve what needs to exist done; acting on convictions and principles even when information technology requires personal risk-taking
  • Accountability: Demonstrating conviction in direct reports by holding them responsible for performance they can control

The electric current research has identified similar leadership behaviors (that is, personal risk-taking, humility, and empowerment) every bit important to inclusive leadership. Notwithstanding, our framework expands on these ideas in the broader context of diversity of markets, ideas, customers, and talent. Most importantly, it identifies the 15 specific elements inclusive leaders think about and do.

Nosotros suspect it is this alloy that enables leaders to speak about diversity and inclusion in a compelling way. As one leader observes, inclusive leaders have an "authenticity about the calendar and a consistency almost it as well. Information technology is in their communications. People expect at them and say they are 'fair dinkum.'" For Dr. Rohini Anand, senior vice president and global master diversity officer at Sodexo, this contrasts with those who are not committed: "It is not necessarily people saying overt things . . . [but] they are just mouthing words without internalizing information technology. Therefore it is shallow and not sustainable."

More than just talking, when leaders prioritize time, energy, and resources to address inclusion, it signals that a verbal commitment is a true priority. Equally Mike Henry, president of operations for Minerals for Australia at BHP Billiton explains, prioritization includes treating variety and inclusion as a business imperative: "Like any other organizational priority, or something that is strategically significant to the organization, it needs to be part of the business concern programme, management conversations, and targets, and you need to take an objective style of assessing whether you are achieving what you want to achieve." At a personal level, inclusive leaders as well believe that creating an inclusive culture starts with them, and they possess a strong sense of personal responsibility for modify. "You can't only come out as a leader and say, 'This is important; set the targets, and anybody leave and reach the targets,'" says Henry. "You lot may achieve the targets, but not the culture you need. The leader needs to invest in people, building shared aspiration and edifice an aligned understanding of the concern case. They demand to piece of work with the team on the 'how.'"


Trait two: Courage

Highly inclusive leaders speak upwardly and claiming the status quo, and they are humble about their strengths and weaknesses.

"The early adopters of this work accept been . . . perceived as mavericks in their environment," says The Coca-Cola Company'south Lewis, Jr. "Frankly, they need to exist a chip courageous, because they buck the trend. For leaders, they demand to make a conclusion as to whether they dig in and entrench every bit they are, or recognize the earth as it volition get, and be part of the change." The backbone to speak up—to challenge others and the status quo—is a fundamental beliefs of an inclusive leader, and information technology occurs at iii levels: with others, with the organization, and with themselves.

Challenging others is perhaps the most expected focus for leaders. For one leader interviewed, courage includes gently challenging followers to see their behaviors and the bear on they take on others. "I talk [to my team] near how I came beyond in that coming together," this leader says. "But I also give them really regular feedback: 'Did y'all know you did that in that meeting, how others may perceive that?' Information technology's actually important to brand the feedback regular . . . on-the-ground coaching is critical."

Courage besides comes into play in a willingness to challenge entrenched organizational attitudes and practices that promote homogeneity. In the 1980s, for example, McKinsey inverse its recruiting practices to promote divergent thinking and come across a demand for consultants. Instead of continuing to recruit from a narrow puddle of MBAs from the top business schools, McKinsey's Advanced Professional Caste (APD) program sought out talent from industry and a broader base of universities.27 Where backbone came in was the preparedness to challenge the status quo and and then to address the initial bias toward MBAs as partner-elects. Courageous partners talked with their peers and sought personal promises of commitment to support APD talent; they briefed the evaluation committee on the need to assess performance considerately; and they intervened when necessary to improve APD recruits' chances of plumbing fixtures in. Today, 20 to 30 per centum of McKinsey's North American associates are classed as APDs, as opposed to 10 pct in the early 1990s;28 the diversity of background, manufacture experience, and bailiwick knowledge of APDs are seen as highly valuable.29

There's a vulnerability to beingness an inclusive leader, considering confronting others and the condition quo immediately invites the spotlight to plough on the speaker. Being an agent for change can also be met with cynicism and challenges from others. According to University of Sydney chancellor Belinda Hutchinson, "Yous need to take risks and recognize that yous're going to have some failures along the way, and you volition need to get upwardly, milkshake yourself off, and go on with it. It's nigh patience and persistence. Y'all may attempt this, or that, and information technology may not work, simply if you lot proceed driving towards the end goal, so you will go there. And so it is nigh courage and commitment to stay the form."

Inclusive leaders have the courage to speak out about themselves and to reveal, in a very personal way, their own limitations. Instead of shying away from the challenge of imperfection, highly inclusive leaders prefer an attitude of humility. In 2022, the U.s.-based recall tank Catalyst identified "humility" as ane of the 4 leadership behaviors that predicated whether employees felt included (run into sidebar above, "Goad and inclusive leadership").30 Still, every bit Catalyst rightly pointed out, humility is the one attribute that is "most antithetical to common notions of leadership." It is difficult for leaders in the public spotlight to admit they don't take all the answers. Backbone and humility therefore become hand in manus.

Humility, according to Catalyst, likewise encompasses learning from criticism and different points of view, likewise as seeking contributions from others to overcome one'due south limitations.31 According to Sodexo's Anand, "Those [leaders] who lack the self-sensation and humility to learn and admit they don't know everything—these would be leaders who miss an opportunity to learn, and who will be blindsided if they are not careful."


Trait 3: Cognizance of bias

Highly inclusive leaders are mindful of personal and organizational bullheaded spots, and cocky-regulate to help ensure "fair play."

"The leaders that are inclusive do a couple of things," says Sodexo'south Anand. "At the individual level, they are very self-enlightened, and they act on that cocky-sensation. And they acknowledge that their organizations, despite best intentions, have unconscious bias, and they put in place policies, processes, and structures in order to mitigate the unconscious bias that exists."

Examples of subtle biases that can negatively impact the mode we see others and the decisions we brand

Implicit stereotypes

Occurs when people judge others co-ordinate to unconscious stereotypes

Similarity-attraction bias

The tendency to more hands and deeply connect with people who "look and feel" similar ourselves

In-group favoritism

A tendency to favor members of in-groups and neglect members of out-groups

Attribution error

Occurs when the wrong reason is used to explain someone'south behavior; coupled with in-group favoritism, this results in a positive attribution for in-group members and a negative attribution for out-group members

Confirmation bias

Seeking or interpreting data that is partial to existing beliefs


When the desire for group harmony overrides rational decision making

Biases are a leader's Achilles' heel, potentially resulting in decisions that are unfair and irrational. Inclusive leaders are securely enlightened that biases can narrow their field of vision and prevent them from making objective decisions. In particular, inclusive leaders are highly sensitized to ii fundamental phenomena: personal biases, such equally homophily and implicit stereotypes and attitudes; and process biases, such equally confirmation bias and groupthink.32 Importantly, they are cognizant of the situations and factors, such as time pressures and fatigue, causing them to be almost vulnerable to biases' pull. Inclusive leaders likewise exert considerable effort to learn virtually their own biases, cocky-regulate, and develop corrective strategies. They understand that their natural land, without these interventions, tends to lean toward cocky-cloning and self-interest, and that success in a diverse earth requires a different approach.

BHP Billiton's Henry is aware that recruitment is a vulnerable moment for him. "I am very articulate about the blazon of person I gravitate to when hiring. Consciously, I put all sorts of checks and balances in place with respect to the thinkers I gravitate to. At that place accept been times when I accept overridden my stance with others' advice, and information technology has worked out spectacularly."

In the context of diverse talent, inclusive leaders think nearly three features of fairness with the aim of creating an environment of "fair play":33

  1. Outcome: Are outcomes such equally pay and functioning ratings, as well equally development and promotion opportunities, allocated on the footing of adequacy and try, or does their distribution reverberate bias?
  2. Process: Are the processes applied in deciding these outcomes (a) transparent, (b) applied consistently, (c) based on accurate data, (d) free from bias, and (eastward) inclusive of the views of individuals affected past the decisions, or are they tinged with bias, thus leading to undeserved success for some and failure for others?
  3. Communication: Are the reasons for decisions made, and processes applied, explained to those affected, and are people treated respectfully in the process?

Importantly, as Banking concern of Montreal'southward Reid demonstrates, inclusive leaders are aware that "fairness" does not necessarily equate to "same." She says, "I grew up with a learning inability and, at certain times, I required unlike levels of support. My mum would say that fairness didn't e'er mean the exact aforementioned, but the opportunity to be your best, and this would hateful that you lot need different things at different times."

In thinking well-nigh process, inclusive leaders seek to pinpoint processes that create subtle advantages for some and subtle disadvantages for others, perpetuating homogeneity and undermining inclusion. This agreement led Alan Joyce, CEO of Qantas, to put strategies in place to mitigate the impact of bias in performance conversations. "In the by, people'due south opinions and biases were often at the forefront of our talent discussions. We embarked on a strategy to have out bias—using external assessments, global benchmarking, and leadership and "potential" data. Now nosotros accept a more objective and collective view of talent. This enables us to confidently hash out career planning, mobility, and the do good of getting different critical experiences across various business segments."34


Trait four: Curiosity

Highly inclusive leaders take an open mindset, a desire to understand how others view and experience the globe, and a tolerance for ambiguity.

What's the i attribute CEOs need to succeed in the time to come? "I would place my bet on marvel," responded Michael Dell, chairman and chief executive officeholder of Dell Inc., in a 2022 interview. "Considering with curiosity comes learning and new ideas, and in businesses that are changing very chop-chop, if you're not curious, you're non learning, and you're going to accept a existent problem."35

Inclusive leaders accept their limitations and hunger for the views of others to consummate the picture. This thirst for continual learning helps bulldoze attributes associated with marvel—open-mindedness, inquiry, and empathy. Such behaviors do not come easily. Time and attempt are required to engage with diverse others, as is the skill of synthesizing a broader range of perspectives. But the consequence is loyalty from others who feel valued, forth with access to a richer set of information that enables better decision making.

The openness to different ideas and experiences is a defining feature of inclusive leaders, who give weight to the insights of diverse others. As Banking concern of Montreal'due south Hudon describes: "I tend to specifically enquire the opinion of someone who will bring a different view from my own. As we hash out an consequence, I volition ofttimes become to people who are likely processing things differently, and purposely ask for their opinion, knowing it volition come from a different place than my own."

For inclusive leaders, asking curious questions and actively listening are core skills that are primal to deepening their understanding of perspectives from diverse individuals. Since the 1970s, Oscar-winning producer Brian Grazer has conducted "curiosity conversations" with over 450 diverse strangers—talks that have inspired many of the films and shows he has produced, including Apollo xiii and A Beautiful Mind.36 "I seek out their perspective and experience and stories, and by doing that, I multiply my own experience a g-fold," he says. For Grazer, curiosity is a "superhero power."37

Lieutenant Full general Angus Campbell, Chief of Ground forces, Australia, says nigh his own efforts: "I effort to listen. And I endeavour to understand why someone's opinion is different from mine. And I recollect in those 2 efforts . . . yous are both recognizing the individual and respecting them, and yous're giving intermission to analyze, compare, complement, and question your own beliefs. In trying to understand the departure of opinion, yous are giving the project or the initiative yous are dealing with space to become amend." Maaike Steinebach, main executive of CBA'due south Hong Kong branch, agrees that listening deeply is critical to her success. "I really brand an endeavour to try to learn something new from the people I talk to. Equally an extrovert it'due south very piece of cake to talk, but if you're tranquillity, you lot can hear more than most others and what is going on, and it can exist a much more valuable experience."

For inclusive leaders, openness as well involves withholding fast judgment, which can stifle the flow of ideas. As Hayden Majajas, diversity and inclusion director, Asia-Pacific at BP, explains, making judgments can also limit personal growth and connections: "I recall that religion is a good example at the moment. For example, if we are talking virtually religion in the workplace, it is one thing to be curious, but another to exist able to suspend your own beliefs. Asking a question knowing that you could non change your beliefs under any circumstances—non in terms of taking on someone else'south religion, but in terms of what you think is right and incorrect—is pointless. But temporarily suspending your beliefs enables you to learn more than and to engage, and often that is the key to overcoming barriers."

In a virtuous circle, marvel encourages connections with various others, which in turn promotes empathy and perspective-taking. Both have been shown to have a multitude of benefits, including fostering a more constructive exchange of ideas (diversity of ideas),38 facilitating greater customer insight (diversity of customers), and decreasing ane's susceptibility to bias (variety of talent).39


Trait 5: Culturally intelligent

Highly inclusive leaders are confident and effective in cross-cultural interactions.

For inclusive leaders, the ability to function effectively in different cultural settings is about more than merely having a mental map of different cultural frameworks (for example, Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory). While an agreement of cultural similarities and differences is important, inclusive leaders also recognize how their own culture impacts their personal worldview, also as how cultural stereotypes—including the misuse of cultural models—can influence their expectations of others.

At a deeper level, inclusive leaders' thirst for learning ways that they are also motivated to deepen their cultural agreement and to learn from the feel of working in an unfamiliar environment. This curiosity leads them to value cultural differences, defying ethnocentric tendencies that crusade people to judge other cultures equally inferior to their own, and enabling them to build stronger connections with people from different backgrounds. As Geert Peeters, CFO of CLP Group, comments: "There is no one civilisation that is smarter than another. In recognizing intelligence in each culture, your culture's intelligence may not necessarily be used today for today's issues, only information technology will be used tomorrow for tomorrow's problems. There is no point in judging. We just demand to bank all of these cultural differences to have a commonage intelligence and to be able to use information technology."

Inclusive leaders are tolerant of ambiguity, which enables them to manage the stress imposed by new or different cultural environments too equally situations where familiar environmental or behavioral cues are defective. Equally BP's Majajas describes, inclusive leaders are also adept at changing their verbal and nonverbal behaviors co-ordinate to cultural demands. "It is about when and how you would adapt your forms of expression and communication with other people. And that includes everything—when yous employ gestures, when you deadening down, when you enunciate or pronounce your words better, when you choose your language. This is almost being more than specific and more deliberate."

Finally, inclusive leaders understand that the ability to adapt does not mean "going native," which can cause leaders to lose sight of what they want to reach by overcompensating for new cultural demands.forty As Majajas puts information technology, "Information technology's nearly existence flexible but authentic. I recall a more inclusive leader is someone who knows when to adapt and doesn't necessarily need to alter who they are fundamentally."

Many of the capabilities discussed to a higher place are encapsulated in the model known as "cultural intelligence" (CQ), which comprises four elements:41

  1. Motivational: The leader'south energy and interest toward learning about, and engaging in, cross-cultural interactions
  2. Cognitive: The leader's knowledge of relevant cultural norms, practices, and conventions
  3. Metacognitive: The leader'south level of conscious cultural awareness during interactions
  4. Behavioral: The apply of appropriate verbal and nonverbal actions in cantankerous-cultural interactions

Inquiry has demonstrated the positive human relationship betwixt CQ and a range of important business organization outcomes, including expatriate job functioning, intercultural negotiation effectiveness, and team process effectiveness in multicultural teams.42


Trait 6: Collaborative

Highly inclusive leaders empower individuals likewise as create and leverage the thinking of diverse groups.

"The new IQ is based more on group intelligence," says Bruce Stewart, acting manager, strategic initiatives, United states Office of Personnel Management. "The former IQ is about how smart you are; the new IQ is well-nigh how smart you make your team. If you take it to eye, it will change the manner you lead. Instead of the leader leading from meridian of the pyramid, they lead from the middle of the circumvolve."

At its core, collaboration is well-nigh individuals working together, building on each other's ideas to produce something new or solve something complex. But while collaboration amid similar people is comfortable and easy, the challenge and opportunity thrown up past the foundational shifts is collaboration with various others: employees, customers, or other stakeholders.

Inclusive leaders understand that, for collaboration to exist successful, individuals must outset be willing to share their diverse perspectives. For Bank of Montreal's Reid, this willingness is cultivated by creating an surroundings where individuals feel valued personally and are empowered to contribute. "It's about people having the freedom to work from their ain perspective . . . [feeling] that their perspective is valued, and that they experience that in a very genuine way. And that empowers them to provide alternative points of view."

Rather than controlling the period of ideas, inclusive leaders encourage autonomy, empowering their teams to connect with others in the pursuit of diverse perspectives. "The end state for a skilful performing team is an democratic team," says Deven Billimoria, CEO of Smartgroup Corporation. "I recently visited a company that has a Net Promoter Score through the roof and a best employer status that is about unparalleled. I talked to some of the people that are on the phones, and one thing that resonated with me is the sense of autonomy. They accept the autonomy to practice what they want. Their managers trust them, the company trusts them, and I thought that we could do that better."

For inclusive leaders, diversity of thinking is a critical ingredient for effective collaboration. Far from being guided past hunches and feelings, or leaving success to chance, inclusive leaders adopt a disciplined arroyo to diversity of thinking, paying close attention to team composition and the determination-making processes employed.43 In this fashion, they understand the demographic factors that crusade individuals and groups to recall differently, both directly (for case, educational background and mental frameworks) and indirectly (for example, gender and race), and purposely align individuals to teams based on that noesis.44

Inclusive leaders are too deeply aware that—even when a diverse-thinking team has been assembled—process biases can pull a group toward sameness and the status quo. For example, like-minded team members are drawn toward each other when testing ideas; confirmation bias causes individuals to reference only those perspectives that conform to pre-existing views; and in-group favoritism causes some team members to cluster. These leaders therefore work to mitigate the effects of process biases.45 They are attuned to the propensity for error lines to fracture the team into subgroups, which can weaken relationships and create conflict. They proactively employ strategies that foster a sense of "ane team," creating a superordinate grouping identity and shared goals, and working to ensure people understand and value the bank of noesis and capabilities across the group.

Farther, inclusive leaders understand that people are almost collaborative when they experience safe to contribute without fear of embarrassment or penalisation. They empathise that ability dynamics, dominating styles, and low tolerance of differences can stop squad members from speaking upwardly. They focus on building trust across the group, establishing a set of guiding principles, for example, that encourage people to contribute without fear. "I recollect that information technology is of import to assume good intent," says Rachel Argaman, CEO of TFE Hotels. "If we are talking around the table, I might suggest something, and more than than half of my team might say, 'No, nosotros shouldn't practise that, we should practice this!' I think that's normal and healthy. It's certainly normal and healthy for our team." Finally, inclusive leaders appreciate the importance of understanding team members' thinking styles (for example, introvert versus extrovert), and they adapt their communication and approach as necessary to arm-twist valuable perspectives.

In addition to formal processes, inclusive leaders also consider whether the broader organizational culture and infrastructure, including workplace design and applied science, promote social connections beyond the system. Every bit the United states of america Office of Personnel Management'southward Stewart explains, "If leaders desire to exist inclusive, they [as well] need to remember about idea spaces. They demand to make sure in that location are places where different ideas and individuals can mix. Folks who generate more than ideas in inclusive ways—they are the smarter companies."


What tin organizations do?

The vi signature traits of an inclusive leader take important implications for how organizations select and develop leaders. Below, we provide some possible deportment to help organizations develop inclusive leadership capabilities and build a culture of inclusion.

Strategic alignment

  • Highlight inclusive leadership equally a core pillar within the organization's diversity and inclusion strategy.
  • Clear a compelling narrative equally to why inclusive leadership is critical to business organization success. For example, how may inclusive leadership drive innovation and prevent the arrangement from beingness blindsided, support greater customer connectivity, optimize talent, and/or enable leaders to operate more than effectively in a global market?
  • Make symbolic workplace changes to signify the importance of inclusive leadership. For example, incorporate inclusion into an organization's values to guide behaviors, and engage senior leaders who embody inclusive leadership.


  • Ensure that job advertisements emphasize inclusive leadership capabilities (for example, collaborative, curious) and the organization's delivery to diversity and inclusion.
  • Contain inclusion into behavioral interview questions. For example, an interviewer could enquire, "Describe a situation where others you were working with disagreed with your ideas. How did you respond?"

Capability and competency direction

  • Integrate inclusive leadership capabilities into the organization's leadership competency model.

Performance management

  • Link KPIs to inclusive behaviors and variety and inclusion outcomes. For example, found a metric effectually employee perceptions of leadership delivery to diversity and inclusion and their inclusive behaviors.
  • Ensure that those appointed to senior-level positions embody inclusive leadership or demonstrate a genuine commitment to developing the capability for inclusive leadership.
  • Hold leaders to business relationship for noninclusive behaviors.

Rewards and recognition

  • Reward leaders who role-model inclusive behaviors.
  • Showcase highly inclusive leaders beyond the arrangement also as the benefits derived from their inclusive behavior.

Leadership development

  • Formally assess inclusive leadership capabilities across senior leaders and people managers. Identify individual and organizational developmental gaps and create evolution plans.
  • Encourage leaders to seek informal feedback from others on their adequacy for inclusive leadership.
  • Integrate development of the six signature traits of inclusive leadership into leadership development programs.

Arrangement integration

  • Integrate inclusive leadership into the organization's global mobility strategy in order to help assess participant readiness and to develop electric current and future leaders.
  • Consider how inclusive leadership—too equally the broader principles of diversity and inclusion—fit inside the arrangement's innovation strategy and processes. For example, in undertaking ideation or trouble-solving activities, ensure that leaders assemble teams that are diverse in their thinking and that private and group biases are mitigated in grouping discussions.

Diversity—of markets, customers, ideas, and talent—is an inescapable part of today's business surroundings. When leaders take clarity almost what it ways to be highly inclusive—through the vi signature traits and fifteen elements—they are positioned for success.

Appendix: Research methodology

How was the model of inclusive leadership identified?

The six-gene inclusive leadership model described in this report was developed through a comprehensive review of the literature and refined on the footing of interviews.


Seventeen interviewees were identified across Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore, and the Us on the basis of one or more of the following criteria: i) the individual's visible commitment to the creation of an inclusive workplace, 2) the individual'southward demonstration of inclusive behaviors, and 3) bailiwick-matter expertise. Interviewees were identified by either Deloitte professionals or diversity and inclusion leaders within their organizations.

Interviews were semi-structured and covered a range of topics relating to variety, inclusion, and leadership style. 3 researchers reviewed the transcripts and developed a coding scheme to capture key themes. Whatever disagreements between researchers with respect to coding were discussed and resolved.

Scale construction

A 180-caste measure of inclusive leadership was constructed using Hinkin, Tracey, and Enz's (1997) seven-stride calibration development procedure.46

  • Step 1:  We generated a pool of potential items to appraise inclusive leadership. Items were generated deductively, beginning with a theoretical view of the vi signature traits and the results of our senior leader interviews. Intendance was taken to construct items properly; for example, we avoided double-barreled items and ensured that each particular was worded only and direct. Two versions of the survey were created: one for leaders to be completed as a self-assessment, and the second to be completed by their followers/peers.
  • Step two:  We assessed the content-adequacy of the items with a panel of experts. In item, this phase focused on ensuring that the items developed for each of the 6 signature traits captured the full definition of each trait. Post-obit from this, we administered a draft version of the items to non-experts to bank check whether the items under each trait appeared to be face up valid.
  • Step 3: We administered a refined version of the survey to a sample of 32 senior leaders ("targets") and their followers/peers ("raters") from multiple organizations. Respondents were asked to provide their ratings on a five-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to v (strongly agree). A total of 120 items were included in the survey. T-tests were conducted to check for differences between self and other ratings. No significant differences were found.
  • Pace 4: The data were subjected to exploratory factor analysis using principal components analysis (PCA). Results indicated that the items all loaded well (>.50) on a unmarried factor, which we labeled every bit inclusive leadership. More detailed examination of the data revealed fifteen elements across half dozen factors. At this stage, the full particular puddle was reduced past one-half on the basis of factor loadings and practiced word. Duplicative items were likewise removed.
  • Footstep 5: The internal consistency of the items was assessed using a scale reliability assessment. An internal consistency score was calculated both for the full score (all 60 items) and the 15 sub-elements. Internal consistency was excellent for both the total scale and the elements (α values ranged from .82 to .93).
  • Footstep 6: We re-engaged with our panel of experts to ensure that the refined version of the tool still aligned to the theoretical definition of inclusive leadership. We also ran a series of standard regressions to check convergent validity.

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